PostgreSQL 9.5.0 Documentation

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group

Table of Contents
I. Tutorial
1. 从头开始
2. SQL语言
3. 高级特性
II. The SQL Language
4. SQL Syntax
5. Data Definition
6. 数据操纵
7. Queries
8. Data Types
9. Functions and Operators
10. Type Conversion
11. Indexes
12. Full Text Search
13. Concurrency Control
14. Performance Tips
III. Server Administration
15. Installation from Source Code
16. Installation from Source Code on Windows
17. Server Setup and Operation
18. Server Configuration
19. Client Authentication
20. Database Roles
21. Managing Databases
22. 本地化
23. Routine Database Maintenance Tasks
24. Backup and Restore
25. High Availability, Load Balancing, and Replication
26. Recovery Configuration
27. Monitoring Database Activity
28. 监控磁盘使用
29. Reliability and the Write-Ahead Log
30. 回归测试
IV. Client Interfaces
31. libpq - C Library
32. Large Objects
33. ECPG - Embedded SQL in C
34. The Information Schema
V. Server Programming
35. 扩展 SQL
36. Triggers
37. Event Triggers
38. The Rule System
39. 过程语言
40. PL/pgSQL - SQL Procedural Language
41. PL/Tcl - Tcl Procedural Language
42. PL/Perl - Perl Procedural Language
43. PL/Python - Python Procedural Language
44. 服务器编程接口
45. Background Worker Processes
46. Logical Decoding
47. Replication Progress Tracking
VI. Reference
I. SQL Commands
II. PostgreSQL Client Applications
III. PostgreSQL Server Applications
VII. Internals
48. PostgreSQL内部概述
49. System Catalogs
50. Frontend/Backend Protocol
51. PostgreSQL Coding Conventions
52. 本国语言支持
53. 编写一个过程语言处理器
54. Writing A Foreign Data Wrapper
55. Writing A Table Sampling Method
56. Writing A Custom Scan Provider
57. 遗传查询优化器
58. Index Access Method Interface Definition
59. GiST Indexes
60. SP-GiST索引
61. GIN Indexes
62. BRIN Indexes
63. Database Physical Storage
64. BKI Backend Interface
65. 规划器如何使用统计信息
VIII. Appendixes
A. PostgreSQL错误代码
B. 日期/时间支持
C. SQL Key Words
D. SQL 符合性
E. Release Notes
F. Additional Supplied Modules
G. Additional Supplied Programs
H. External Projects
I. 源代码仓库
J. Documentation
K. 首字母缩写词